State One-Act Venue: Milwaukee

Campus #

We are utilizing the UW-Milwaukee Peck School of the Arts – Arts Center: Theatre, Art, and Music buildings, as well as the Zelazo Center across E. Kenwood Blvd. Nearby are the Union (where food is available) and Mitchell Hall (workshop rooms).

UW-Milwaukee Campus Map

Arrival/Prep #

Mainstage #

Mainstage Theatre is in the Theatre Building.

Performance space: 30′ W Upstage / 24′ W Downstage x 22′ D

No act curtain; no scenery/set pieces/props available

Upstage cross: lane provided

Wings (both sides) noted in ground plan diagram

Inputs to sound system include: 1/8 stereo (standard headphone) jack

Channel sound board

6 or 9 areas (3 x 2 or 3 x 3); down light color control: warm (day/interior) or cool (night), upstage/downstage + LED top light and neutral (violet-ish) side lights
ETC Ion – 20 faders | Video

Follow spots: 2

290-seat house

Thrust stage, set for proscenium; dimensions (audience-facing): 24′-0 3/8″ W x 23′-3 1/2″ H

Cyclorama: yes; curtain line to cyc = 19’9″ to cyc; 18’4″ to Full Black

Wheelchair accessibility:
• Stage: no
• Light/sound boards: yes
• Audience: yes

Loading dock doors: 5’5″ W x 7’6″ H at minimum

Light Board

Lighting is a nine-by-nine square grid on the stage. One fader has a full stage wash of the warm face lights. Another fader has a full stage LED wash. It is then divided up between upstage (stage left to stage right), center (stage left to stage right), and downstage (stage left to stage right) sections. One fader has the upstage face lights, so this covers upstage left to upstage right. Another fader has the upstage LED lights, this only covered upstage left to upstage stage right. So if a board op is looking for all lights (face/LED/back) specifically on just the DSR corner, they would need to use the channels on the magic sheet (see on magic sheet channels labeled as DSR). The faders do not do that, they cover a general section on the stage and they would need multiple faders up.

Load-in/Load-out #

  • Load in is on the south end of the Arts Center, off E. Kenwood Blvd. (use same driveway entrance from street as Lot 22 parking deck, but veer to the right); UWM Police will be on hand to assist with traffic flow; trucks may NOT remain at the dock; UWM personnel will direct trucks with active one-acts to a nearby holding area.
  • Unload through the loading door starting 45 minutes before performance; scenery will be brought to wings
  • UWM students can escort you to your homeroom after your set is backstage
  • Lighting and sound technicians will receive their orientation 15 minutes before performance begins
  • Your UWM liaison will ensure you get to stage and will be on-hand to answer all questions pertaining to technical needs during your set-up time.
  • Performers and set crew will enter the stage area with their set when instructed at the beginning of the performance time
  • See diagram for state/end time-lines on stage; schools may start and end from stage right and/or left. Remember: timing for the show is from when the first foot, prop, or scenery comes onto the stage, and until the last one leaves.
  • After your performance strike all scenery through scene shop to loading dock via load-in path (see diagram)
  • The loading door is at street level

Recital Hall #

Recital Hall is in the Music Building.

Performance space: 24′ W Upstage /42′ W Downstage x 24′ D

No act curtain; no scenery/set pieces/props available

Upstage cross: via exit to corridor

Masking for SL/SR doors

Inputs to sound system include: 1/8 stereo (standard headphone) jack

Channel sound board

6 areas (3 x 2); down light color control: warm (day/interior) or cool (night), upstage/downstage | ETC Express

Follow spots: 1

300-seat house

Proscenium stage; dimensions (audience-facing): open (see photos)

Cyclorama: no

Wheelchair accessibility for performers, technicians, and audience: yes

Loading doors: standard classroom doorframe

Load-in/Load-out #

  • Load in is on the east side of the Music building in the Arts Center; enter the Mitchell lot (#16) off N. Downer Ave.
  • Unload through the loading door starting 1 hour before performance; scenery will be brought behind upstage doors (upstage left = double door; upstage right = standard entryway)
  • UWM students will be there to show you to your homeroom after your set is loaded
  • Lighting and sound technicians will receive their orientation 15 minutes before performance
  • Your UWM liaison will ensure you get to stage and will be on-hand to answer all questions pertaining to technical needs during your set-up time.
  • Performers and set crew will enter the stage area with their set when instructed at the beginning of the performance time
  • Crossing any masked wings threshold onto the stage is the start and finish time-line; when finishing, exit upstage and/or wings. Remember: timing for the show is from when the first foot, prop, or scenery comes onto the stage, and until the last one leaves.
  • The loading door is at street level

Updated on 11/20/2024
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