Membership gives a school access to a supportive educator network, valuable communication from the state office, resources to help students, and of course, the ability to participate in our activities. Annual dues are $380 for high school, and $150 for middle school; a $50 discount applies for enrollment before October 1; schools may pay immediately by credit card or e-check; or pay later by paper check or purchase order.
The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) offers membership to directors/coaches in their Speech, Debate, Theatre, and Academics Association, which provides additional membership benefits:
Schools can add-on membership (@$20/advisor) to NFHS when listing individual coaches/directors as part of annual membership enrollment. WISDAA will collect dues and communicate enrollment to NFHS.
We welcome virtual schools offering grades 6-8 and/or 9-12 to participate in all our activities. The same guidelines for student eligibility and participation apply to students fully enrolled in accredited online schools. Online schools may participate fully virtually (offered asynchronously, for convenience – though we are considering a live/videoconference Speech contest option), or may elected to attend in-person contests. Wisconsin’s Rural Virtual Academy, for example, has often enrolled students in qualifying Speech contests online, and then given students the option of attending the State Speech Festival in Madison, in person.