
Number of Adjudicators

Ratio: Adjudicators to Entries #

Most contests ask for one adjudicator for every five entries, or fraction thereof. This means that if a school has 7 entries, it should bring two adjudicators. Some contests will allow schools to pay a fee for uncovered adjudicators, not because they have extras they can hire for a school, but to incentivize schools to bring their own adjudicators. It is a burden on any host when schools do not provide all of the adjudicators they are expected to.

Per Contest #

Anytime a school participates at more than one venue (including online) during a particular contest level (subdistrict, district, State), it must provide adjudicators for each contest, in that contest’s ratio of adjudicators to entries (e.g., a school has 7 entries at its own subdistrict and 2 entries at a different subdistrict – it must supply two adjudicators for its own subdistrict and one adjudicator for the other subdistrict).

Certification #

At the high school level, adjudicators must have earned WISDAA certification for all WISDAA contests (subdistrict, district, State).

For the middle level, certification is currently encouraged, but not required.

Finding/Recruiting Adjudicators #

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Updated on 01/02/2024
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