
Speech: Tabulating + Reporting Results

We have developed a free, entirely asynchronous (at your own pace) course with video walk-throughs for festival managers/hosts. Upon completion, you can download a certificate acknowledging your professional development time.

Tabulating Scores #

ENTERING POINTS: Click Enter results on the home page.  Select the round and category.  Click the room, judge, section letter you wish to enter points for.  Type in points assigned to each entry by the adjudicator and click the button to save them. Then proceed to the next set of results.

Reporting Results #

IF YOU SCHEDULED AND TABULATED ON SPEECHWIRE… Once all results have been entered, click ‘Report final results’ on the home page.  Next, click ‘Build initial report.’ Once the report is processed, you will see a list of all of entries set to advance from each school. If you need to make adjustments, click ‘Set advancers’ next to a school. Click ‘Set advancing entries’ after making adjustments. Once all advancing entries are properly marked, click ‘Confirm advancers’.

If you did NOT schedule/tabulate your festival with SpeechWire, you still need to report advancing entries to the State Office, both in SpeechWire, as well as providing copies of manual tabulation of scores (mail or scanned).

SpeechWire instructions to mark advancing entries from each school:  Once you have logged in to the tournament manager account, click ‘Report final results’ on the home page.  Find the first school alphabetically and click ‘Set advancers’ next to it.  Check each entry that will be advancing to ensure that it is listed as an entry from the school.  If any entries are missing, misspelled, or otherwise mis-entered, click ‘Edit school entries’ and make any needed corrections by adding more entries or correcting incorrect entries.

Once you have confirmed that all advancing entries are listed in the system, use the ‘Advance?’ column to mark which entries are advancing to the next level.  Click ‘Set advancing entries’ once you have marked them all.

Once you believe that all advancing entries are properly marked, click ‘Confirm advancers’ on the WISDAA reporting results page.

Wrong Category? No Problem! #

If a contestant/group was entered in the wrong category, on the same Report final results screen, click the button [Set advancers] next to a school, and in the table of entries, simply click the dropdown list of categories next to an entry, select the correct category, and then click the button, [Save and set advancing entries]. You may do this at any time after the festival (whether or not points have been entered or you’ve selected “Advance” to the right), but it needs to be done before the state office advances entries from your festival to next level.

Releasing E-Ballots to Coaches/Students #

  1. Click the icon, Posting center.
  2. Click Post e-ballots to student and coach accounts for viewing
  3. Under the first dropdown, select “Yes, show e-ballots in accounts at this time.”
  4. Make sure the next dropdown is “Both coaches and students should see eballots
  5. Make sure the third dropdown is “Release eballots for viewing all at once.”
  6. Click [Save settings].
  7. You may wish to email coaches to notify them when you’ve released results.

Middle Level Post-Festival Report #

On the WISDAA reporting results screen, there is a button, [Post-festival report] that will summarize participation numbers by school, awards earned, and have fields for the manager/host to complete:

  • Comments about the contest: use this to list ribbon totals awarded if you did not use SpeechWire to tabulate as well as to share any notes you wish the state office, Speech Advisory Committee, and/or Board of Control to know.
  • Currency: this field should include the reimbursement amount requested.
  • Check payable to: select how to make out the reimbursement check (you can put a specific payable to name/entity in the mailing address field below.
  • Check mailing address: where you want payment sent.
  • Did you make your own evaluation sheet copies? – select this only if you did not receive mailed materials from the state office.
  • Agreement: by completing this form, you attest to the accuracy of results and reimbursement information submitted.
  • Button to “save and submit form”
  • Link to submit receipts – use this to upload receipts to support expenditures listed in the “currency” field above.

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Updated on 02/17/2025
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