Information for Adjudicators

Adjudicators, also known as “judges,” serve the important role of providing educative feedback from which participants in WISDAA activities learn and grow. An adjudicator is not merely a critic who expects participants to meet a certain degree of standard, and certainly not an arbiter of taste or preference. An adjudicator meets students where they are, and appraises how well contestants meet the outcomes expressed on evaluation sheets. While an adjudicator will evaluate multiple contest entries in succession, they do not compare them against one another; they evaluate each entry on its own merit.

Adjudicator Information by Activity

We currently have training and certification available for Speech (middle/high) and Theatre adjudicators. We have guidance available for Debate and Film, but will be building training courses and certification soon.

Finding/Offering Adjudicators

State Festival/UW System Campuses

If you will be adjudicating a contest at a UW System campus, the school who hired you must furnish proof of a criminal background check (CBC) within the past four years, and complete the following free course offered by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS). If you are being hired by WISDAA, we may send you a link to complete a CBC.

Getting Hired