State One-Act Venue: Green Bay

Overview #

We are utilizing the Weidner Center for the Performing Arts and Theatre Hall for one-acts, but also may utilize some classrooms in Studio Arts for other festival programming.

UW-Green Bay Overview Map

Arrival/Prep #

During your homeroom/prep time, a UWGB liaison will meet with you to discuss specific needs. Be prepared at this time to start the cueing process to utilize staff and equipment to the fullest, but do not go to the control booth prior to your set up time since another school will be using the booth. Your liaison will ensure you get to stage and will be on-hand to answer all questions pertaining to technical needs during your set-up time.

University Theatre #

University Theatre is in Theatre Hall.

Performance space: 30′ W x 20′ D

No act curtain; no scenery/set pieces/props available

Upstage cross: yes with blackout curtain

Wings (both sides) noted in ground plan diagram

Inputs to sound system include: 1/8″, RCA, XLR from your device.

Lights/sound mixing from tech table in the house (wheelchair accessible)

6 areas (3 x 2); down light color control: warm (day/interior) or cool (night), upstage/downstage

Follow spot: Friday only* (*UWGB’s follow spots are out of commission, but Appleton North has generously allowed other schools to utilize their spots on Friday, the day they’re performing)

Proscenium dimensions (audience-facing): 50′ W x 25′ H

Cyclorama: no (difficult to fly in and would block load-in flow)

All spaces to be used by technicians and performers are accessible

Loading dock doors: 7’5″ W x 11’9″ H

Ground Plan #

Load-in/Load-out #

  • Load in is on the east side of Theatre Hall, off of University Union Court
  • Unload through the scene shop loading door, starting 1 hour before performance
  • UWGB students will be there to show you to your homeroom after your set is in the shop
  • Lighting and sound technicians will receive their orientation 15 minutes before performance
  • Performers and set crew will enter the stage area with their set when instructed at the beginning of the performance time
  • The entrance to the stage from the shop is in the upstage center wall
  • The door between the shop and the stage is the time line
  • After your performance strike all scenery through the stage loading door, which is in the stage left wall
  • The stage loading door is the exit time line
  • Both loading doors are at street level
  • Both loading doors are accessed from the same parking lot
University Theatre Load-in

Cofrin Family Hall #

Cofrin Family Hall is in the Weidner Center.

Performance space: 30′ W x 20′ D

No act curtain; no scenery/set pieces/props available

Upstage cross: available (midstage black)

Wings, both sides, noted in ground plan diagram

Inputs to sound system include: 1/8″ or XLR from your device

Lights/sound controlled from center mix in the house

5 areas across stage with warm/cool options; front with upstage/downstage control; top light = 5 areas across by 3 deep (15 total)

Follow spot: no (units too expensive to rent; infeasible- risk/liability for access)

2,201-seat house (just using front orchestra -> row W)

Proscenium dimensions (audience-facing): 54′ W with legs to mask playing area as 40′ wide

Cyclorama: no (reserved for Nutcracker performance the following week)

All spaces to be used by technicians and performers are accessible

Loading dock doors: 7’10.5″ W x 9’10.5″ H

Ground Plan #

Load-in/Load-out #

Load in for Cofrin Family Hall is via three loading docks at truck height or through the stage door at ground level, Docks are accessible from North Circle Drive and the stage door is off of Weidner Center Drive.

Weidner Center-Coffrin Family Hall Load-in
Updated on 02/25/2024
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