State One-Act Contest Procedures

Following are step-by-step procedures a school producing a contest one-act can expect at the State Festival. This page has been updated to reflect the optional early check-in for homeroom access the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee has extended to schools in 2024.

90 minutes prior to performance, the school may optionally check-in early to have access to their homeroom (thank you, UW-Milwaukee, for that extra accommodation). If this option is exercised, the load-in time (step 3).

One hour prior to performance, the school checks in with university liaison (for UW-Milwaukee in the Theatre Building lobby, Advising Office), who will escort the school to their homeroom, where they will prep for their show.

45 minutes prior to performance, the school will have 15 minutes at the dock to load in scenery and other materials to the holding area backstage (this is usually done with a separate crew as actors prep in the homeroom. University staff will direct schools where to move their vehicle until they load-out (step 7).

5-10 minutes prior to performance, university staff will escort students from the homeroom to the backstage area. Once the previous school finishes performing, students will be allowed to briefly orient/explore stage space; they must fully vacate the stage prior to performance. The school’s light and sound technicians will be escorted to the control boards. University personnel will instruct schools on where they can enter the stage when they begin.

Performance starts: when the house manager notifies the university stage manager that the adjudicators and house are ready, the stage manager will prepare to time the school and yell “go” or “start,” and students may start loading the stage with scenery and actors.

As the school concludes their performance, they must exit the stage and leave no scenery or other items behind. Once the stage is confirmed bare, the university stage manager will yell “clear” or “time,” stopping recording of time, and noting the time the school used. A school has up to 40 minutes, 30 seconds before it is penalized with inability to earn Critic’s Choice or Directing awards.

The school will have 15 minutes to load-out their scenery from the building and will be escorted back to their homeroom. The school must move any vehicle outside the loading door so the next school is able to access.

At their homeroom, the students and their faculty director(s) will await an adjudicator who will offer an oral response on behalf of the panel of adjudicators. Following their response, they will present the school with their awards and medals.

One hour and a half (90 minutes) after their performance began, the school must vacate their homeroom (approximately 40 minutes after they return, following their performance).

Updated on 11/19/2024
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