
Branding and Logo Usage

The Wisconsin Interscholastic Speech & Dramatic Arts Association (WISDAA) logo and branding iconography are important components of the organization’s identity. Trademark law requires the association to regulate and authorize as necessary use of its name and acronym (WISDAA), logo, event names, and iconography by school and individual members within the organization and by individuals and institutions outside the Association.

Please obtain prior written permission for usage; click the button below this policy. For graphics, you will receive a branding package containing high-resolution images. The WISDAA maintains the right to refuse its logo and branding to anyone at any time for any reason. Previous use of the logo does not entitle a party to future use; each use must be approved on a case-by-case basis.

Permission for Using Branding Elements #

Schools, members, and external organizations may apply for permission to use the Wisconsin Interscholastic Speech & Dramatic Arts Association name, acronym, logo, event names, or iconography as a symbol of membership in or partnership with the WISDAA, and only for non-commercial purposes.

Criteria Considered

Before authorizing use of WISDAA branding elements, the WISDAA will consider accuracy, appropriateness, and fair value of the use. The following factors will be considered:

  • Relationship between WISDAA and activity, product, or publication is accurately represented.
  • Whether use is appropriate to the WISDAA’s values and mission.
  • Whether satisfactory arrangements have been made concerning interest (if any) to be held by the WISDAA in intellectual property and income resulting from the proposed activity.

Examples of Allowable Uses

  • Team t-shirts, banners, or other team merchandise, swag, or promotional items.
  • Stationery, business cards, and other materials used by a team or member school.
  • Publications such as award programs, yearbooks, websites, or social media pages.
  • Informational handouts or promotional materials not created by the WISDAA.
  • Social media posts highlighting participation and/or achievement in WISDAA contests.
  • Use in video, television, and films.

Prohibitions of Usage

  • Certificates, awards, nor educational material not prepared by the WISDAA
  • Sale of a product or service (e.g., merchandise such as mugs, calendars, and jewelry)
  • To advertise a camp, institute, or consultant; etc.
  • Fundraising, advertising, or promotional effort for any entity other than the WISDAA
  • Any fashion that may signify WISDAA accreditation or endorsement of any program, contract, or service not directly sanctioned by the Association.

Contest Managers

Subdistrict, district, section, and state contest hosts/managers may use WISDAA branding elements on free printed informational materials (such as play programs) and posters directly related to running those contests, and should request high-resolution artwork from the State Office.

Name/Acronym & Terminology #

Official name: Wisconsin Interscholastic Speech & Dramatic Arts Association (no “The” preceding the name).

Official acronym: WISDAA (not “The WISDAA”).

When first referencing the organization, always use the full name with a parenthetical reference of the acronym; then, subsequent references may use the acronym. It is acceptable to subsequently reference the Association.

Constituency Uses

Member schools and affiliated individuals – school/school district staff, students, alumni – may use the name or acronym (WISDAA) to identify themselves (e.g., “Jane Doe, coach member, Wisconsin High School Forensic Association” or “WISDAA District 4”). In using or authorizing use of the WISDAA name to identify themselves in connection with activities conducted with outside individuals and entities (e.g., authoring a book), members should ensure the WISDAA name is used in a manner that does not imply endorsement or responsibility for the particular activity, product, or publication involved. In general, students are permitted to identify themselves in publications or other public activities with an accurate, specific affiliation (e.g. “John Doe, Outstanding Actor, Wisconsin Interscholastic Theatre Festival” or “student member, Wisconsin High School Forensic Association”) so long as this is done in a manner that makes clear they are students and does not imply WISDAA endorsement or responsibility for any particular activity, product, or publication involved.


The word “forensics” was considered by the Association’s leadership in 1925 when the National Forensic League (now, National Speech & Debate Association) was founded. This term was considered inclusive of all communication arts activities; however, as it has become strongly associated with crime scene investigation and science in the 21st century, we encourage emphasizing the organization’s new name and activities as listed.  Please discontinue the term “forensics” to refer to Speech contests, Speech teams/squads, or Speech coaches. WISDAA considers “Speech” as inclusive of interscholastic Speech and Debate activities.

The word “drama” has been replaced by “theatre” to be a more inclusive term of the discipline and practice of productions, whereas in modern parlance, “drama” often refers to dramatic literature. In the context of WISDAA, dramatic form unifies the interscholastic activities of Theatre and Film.

These event/contest names are trademarks for their respective programs and events.

  • District/Sectional One-Act Play Festivals
  • Middle Level 1 (or 2) Speech Festivals
  • Subdistrict/District Speech Festivals
  • WISDAA Adjudicator Training & Certification
  • Wisconsin Interscholastic Theatre Festival
  • State One-Act Play Contest
  • Wisconsin State Speech & Debate Festival
  • Wisconsin Interscholastic Film Festival

Logo Guidelines #

Use the full, signature logo (Reuleaux triangle) with surrounding wordmark whenever possible; a horizontal version with burgundy wordmark offset to the righthand side may be used if necessary. The signature logo should always be used in color, unless black-and-white purposes are needed for design choices or print media.

Reverse and Backgrounds

Use the standard logo against a lighter background; use the single color, white version on a dark background to ensure contrast.

Digital File Types

When logo request is approved, you will receive digital branding elements from the WISDAA. To ensure the logo is legible and at the appropriate resolution and format, three file options are included in each logo package. You should choose the format that best suits your use and retains the highest quality of presentation.

  • EPS files are in a vector format and are meant to increase in size without any pixelation or distortion. EPS is the preferred format for any print publication including advertisements or t-shirts. EPS files have a transparent background.
  • PNG files are ideal for using in digital media, such as PowerPoint presentations or online. PNG files have a transparent background. A PNG should never be used in printing.
  • JPG files can be used for printed materials like Word Documents and Publisher files. JPG files have a background which is usually white that may not be ideal for some uses.
  • Note: For optimum quality, neither PNG nor JPG files should be enlarged over their original size, which is provided at a size large enough to encompass most uses.

Prohibited Modifications

  • Do not: Stretch, distort, or crop the logo.
  • Do not: Change the colors of the logo (use either burgundy, black, or white/reverse version).
  • Do not: Alter the arrangement or design of the logo.
  • Do not: Add to the logo (such as to include a school or student name).

Review of Logo Usage

You must allow us to review artwork before printing or publishing digitally (online/email). Please email the proof for approval. If you have any other questions not answered here, please contact our office.

Color Palette #

Primary Secondary Accent Accent Accent Accent Contract Accent
Pacific/Green Blue Wheat Gold Dark Green Blue Mortar Tan Vivid Gold Burgundy
PMS 647 C PMS 7403 C PMS 2695 C PMS Black 0961 C PMS 7562 C PMS 124 C PMS 187 C
C90 M52 Y5 K7 C5 M19 Y61 K1 C91 M61 Y25 K41 C16 M23 Y23 K44 C28 M34 Y62 K2 C2 M28 Y97 K5 C12 M90 Y93 K34
R15 G97 B153 R237 G196 B114 R18 G56 B83 R140 G129 B121 R185 G160 B115 E228 G169 B0 R140 G14 B15
#0F6199 #edc472 #123853 #8c8179 #b9a073 #e4a900 #8c0e0f

Typography #

The Association’s primary identity font, Avenir, is licensed through Linotype for print media and not for web use. Licensed fonts are for staff use only and cannot be shared. One license is granted per computer.

Web/System Font: use the standard Arial font online, and on computers not licensed/owned by the Association. This same font should be used for body copy and headers. A lightweight version is preferable to standard/book/roman.

Activities & Iconography #

Using the Reuleaux triangle with a lightweight border and icons to symbolize the various activities of focus for the WISDAA helps establish a unified brand. They typically use the primary/main color.

Debate icon


Film icon


Middle Level Programming

Middle Level Speech

(can also signify performance of literature)

Speech Icon

High School Speech

Theatre icon


Updated on 01/02/2024
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