Coach User Account #
Whether you have already established a coach user account on or are setting one up –>
Prerequisites Before Entering Contests #
Enable Notifications #
At the top of the screen, toward the right-hand side of the header is the email address you used to establish your user account. You will also notice a bell icon in the far upper right-hand corner, where you can (and should) enable browser-based notifications and your inbox (the envelope icon to the left of your email address). This replaces a previous feature with text notifications and email blasts that were often caught in spam or blocked by telecommunications companies. Below is the simple prompt that appears when clicking the bell icon, with instructions to [Allow Blasts].
Competitor Roster #
Clicking your email address toward the top brings you to a screen with several tabs representing coach tools. One of those tabs is for your competitor roster of students you will enter in contests. On the right-hand sidebar are buttons representing various tools, including to [Add a new student], or [Import from a Spreadsheet] (the import screen will allow you to download a spreadsheet template you can populate to use for a mass-student import).
Judge Roster #
When you click the [Judges] tab, you may use buttons on the right-hand sidebar to [Add a new judge]. When you do so, you will see this screen, where you can either use the “Find judge by Tabroom account” search feature (presuming you established a Tabroom account to create your school, you can add yourself as a judge). You also can create a new judge by completing the form below the search function.
Once you add a judge, on the main [Judges] tab screen, you can click a judge’s name to edit them, to include any notes, gender, and dietary needs.
Joining a Circuit #
A circuit is a community of schools who participate in contests together. Some circuits are organized by state activities associations, like WISDAA. Joining a circuit will allow you to easily access and register for tournaments.
Click the tab, [Circuits], and select Wisconsin Interscholastic Speech & Dramatic Arts Association from the left drop-down list. In the drop-down list to the right, select “Full Membership,” which will allow you to receive notifications, reminders, and important information pertaining to WISDAA contests. Then click the button, [Join]. Once you have done so, you will see WISDAA in a table showing circuits your school belongs to.
When you hover your mouse over the name of the circuit, it turns blue, and you can click it to see a calendar of contests (like the one pictured to the right).
You can click any contest name to see the “invitation” page with information about that contest, including a tab to register.
How to Enter Contests #
Once you reach a contest’s page, click the [Register] tab.
Coaches/Contacts #
The next screen will show several tabs for registration. The tab, [General] (pictured below) prompts you to add coaches and contacts, where you can either add coaches already in your school’s account (roster) or enter an email address associated with a Tabroom account.
Once you add a coach, they will appear in a listing on the [General] tab (see below). Follow on-screen instructions to toggle the school contact, who receives emails, and who is “on site” supervising students. If you have multiple coaches, they may fill various roles (and multiple coaches may share the same responsibilities and be toggled “Yes”).
Other tabs that can be used include Signups if you wish to use Tabroom’s internal sign-up process with your students. Otherwise, you can just as easily register them manually.
Adding Entries #
On the [Entries] tab, in the right-hand sidebar are tools and buttons for adding entries to the various categories – and rounds for WORD debates (as pictured below).
The screen to add an entry, “Entry Details” allows you to select 3-5 contestants who will comprise a Worlds team (see picture below), or a single contestant who comprises a Congressional entry.
Adding Adjudicators (Judges) #
The [Judges] tab allows you to select judges from your roster to add to the contest (as pictured below).
Once you add a judge, you should complete the brief questionnaire:
Other Tabs/Tools #
The Fees tab will show fees owed; there are varying fees depending on membership in WISDAA, whether you are a non-WISDAA Wisconsin school, or a school outside Wisconsin; initially, the fees calculated will show the highest rates (schools outside Wisconsin), but will will adjust invoices the day of the contest/tournament.