
UW-Milwaukee Safety Plan

Responsible Adult Ratios #

* Every school must provide a minimum of 2 adults;

Students 1-20* 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 Continues
Responsible Adults 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Continues
flowchart LR
    A[Behavior observed] -->B(Determine severity)
    B --> C("Low-Medium Severity
    Behavioral or Low Risk
    Contact next level of leadership")
    B --> D("High-Emergent Severity
    Physical Harm or Facility Endangerment
    Call 911 or 414-229-9911")
    C -->E[Complete Incident Report]
    D -->E
    style C fill:#dfecbd
    style D fill:#fa9281,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff

Safety Points-of-Contact #

Primary Contact

Thomas Campbell portrait

Ralph Janes
Program Sponsor/Facilitator

UWM Theatre Education

Secondary Contact

Adam Jacobi
Festival Director

WISDAA Executive Director

Secondary Contact


Julie Rudolph
Info/Registration Table

WISDAA Administrative Assistant

Prohibited Conduct #

Prohibited Conduct is considered any conduct according to University’s Title IX Compliance & Integrity and the following prohibited behaviors:

  • Conduct that violates the law (e.g., child abuse, child sexual abuse, protected class discrimination, emotional abuse, hazing, indecent exposure, child pornography, neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and sexual harassment)
  • Conduct that violates UW System policies
  • Actions that are found to constitute Bullying or Grooming
  • Infringement on privacy of Youth Participants in situations where they are using restroom facilities, changing clothes or taking showers except in situations where health and safety are required
  • One on One Conduct: Staff should never be with a youth participant in a one on one setting. Exception: Designated Individuals may have one-on-one in an instruction, if activity is observable and interruptible.
  • Restroom Use: If accompanying a single child to a restroom, check first for suspicious activity in the restroom, then exit and permit the child to use the restroom alone
  • Use of Cameras/Video Devices: Inappropriate use of cameras, imaging, or digital devices are prohibited. Use of such devices capable of recording or transmitting visual images in shower houses, restrooms, or other areas where privacy is expected by participants is prohibited and may be subject to search if suspected prohibited conduct activity occurs
  • Use of alcohol when engaged in Covered Activities. Minor serving staff may not consume alcoholic beverages or any non-prescribed controlled substance specified on the premises of the program, or be under the influence of the same during the program’s hours of operation
  • No smoking or vaping of any kind is permitted by individuals
  • Any conduct that is outside of NCAA Recruitment Compliance
  • Any conduct or retaliation conduct that is outside of UW-Milwaukee Harassment and Discrimination Policy
  • Exceptions to prohibited conduct may occur where a familial relationship exists and in emergency situations

Reporting #

Applies to prohibited conduct or other identified reporting incidents.

  • Contact 911 for serious events
  • Contact Health Supervisor for routine medical care
  • Have constant access to school-approved non-emergency transportation to a local health care facility if needed
  • For suspected or known communicable diseases, isolate participant(s)
  • Report to Program Facilitator and University Sponsor
  • Stay with participant(s) until help arrives or shelter in place/evacuate participant(s) to identified staging area
  • Complete Incident Report
  • Do not move participant(s) unless there is: fire, danger of fire or explosion; danger of asphyxia due to lack of oxygen; risk of drowning; risk of traffic hazards; exposure to cold or intense heat; possibility of injury from collapsing walls or buildings; electrical injury.

Emergencies #

  • Emotional emergencies are when a student threatens or attempts suicide, is in serious depression, acts bizarre, is incoherent, or very confused.
  • Physical emergencies are when a participant has become very ill, lost consciousness, has difficulty breathing, has ingested poison, has severe bleeding or other situations of serious proportions. Take any appropriate first aid action.
  • Immediately call the Green Bay rescue squad (911). They will contact Public Safety.
  • Contact the program facilitator by phone; if not reachable, call the SOA on duty.
  • Stay with the student.

Non-Emergency Health Issue #

All non-emergency incidences must be reported first to the Program Facilitator (see top of page). A responsible adult from the school should contact a child’s parents before they are taken off-campus. The responsible adult should have a school-approved health form/certificate ready (school activities/athletic directors usually have a template form, and these apply to interscholastic academic/performing arts sports as much as they do athletic sports).

  • Go to Ascension Columbia St. Mary’s Hospital-Emergency Room (directions below). The ER phone number is (414) 585-1000.
  • Directions: take Downer Ave. south to Lake Drive and veer right; turn right onto E. North Ave. and follow signs for the Emergency Department.

Bloodborne/Communicable Disease #

Per Wi. St. DHS 145.04, any person who knows or suspects that a person has a communicable disease must report to the local health officer. All such reports should be immediately reported to the Program Facilitator who will communicate with campus leadership and the local health department. All individuals with suspected or known communicable illnesses should be isolated in the designated isolation area/room.

Evacuation & Reunification #

All staff/volunteers will escort participants out of building. Contact Program Facilitator to report incident and group location. Wait for further instructions. Operational area should have a designated staging area.

Lost/Missing Participant(s) #

In the event of a lost participant, immediately contact the Program Facilitator and University Police.

Sexual Assault/Disclosure #

  • Ensure the victim is safe. If there is an immediate risk of additional violence, contact UW-Milwaukee Public Safety – 911.
  • If the victim needs immediate, medical assistance, contact Milwaukee Rescue Squad: 911.
  • Call the Program Facilitator, who will work with you to complete a confidential Sexual Assault Form.
  • Complete an incident report.
  • As part of the event’s health protocol, parents are notified prior to taking a minor child to the hospital. In the event of an assault requiring immediate medical assistance, a call can be made to parents as the minor child is being transported. This call will be made by the Program Facilitator.

Facility Emergency #

Further instructions:

  • Electrical/gas/heat: report immediately; remain calm; find a safe location.
  • Fire/smoke: activate nearest fire alarm and leave building.
  • Intruder: remain calm; do not attempt to follow or “catch” the person; decompress after intruder removed/apprehended.
  • Tornado: “watch” means tornado may develop; “warning” means tornado has been detected-take shelter immediately, such as in lowest floor and/or away from windows; cover head and face. Do NOT pull fire alarm.
Updated on 11/16/2024
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