Theatre Adjudicators

Training & Certification #

One Act Play #

This is the official WISDAA Theatre adjudicator program. One-Act Play contests involve subjective and standards-based evaluation of students in a fully produced play of up to 40 minutes. Coaches and/or adjudicators (judges) gain certification through training, and can report time spent as professional development. We offer an entirely online course for individuals adjudicating our one-act play series.

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Thespian/Thespy Events #

WISDAA is partnered with the Educational Theatre Association and its Wisconsin Thespians Chapter to provide programming that culminates with the State Festival. If – and only if – you are adjudicating the open Thespys or Thespian programming at the State Festival, please take the free associated course(s) below.

Get Hired to Adjudicate #

Contact us and we’ll connect you to a contest manager in your area. You also may check our Jobs Board.

One-Act Adjudication Changes 2021-onward #

  • Adjudicators no longer recommend “Advance” nor “Stop,” nor overall school awards at State.
  • Adjudicators award points across several evaluation criteria, and the average of each adjudicator’s scores determines which shows advance to the next contest level.
  • Comments for each evaluation criterion should justify scores. Bear in mind:
    3 = Proficient – meets expectations of questions in the criterion; not necessarily perfect;
    2 = Developing – some elements are still progressing, but not finished;
    1 = Minimal – most elements are unfinished and distract from the overall message to be conveyed by the production.
    ** The state festival utilizes a 5-point range
  • Average scores needed by at least two adjudicators:
    District → Advance to Sectional: 1.5+
    Sectional → Advance to State: 2.3+
    State → Awards (Direction, Ensemble, Technical, Overall/Critic’s Choice): 4.5+
    Acting awards are still based on at least two nominations of individual actors.
  • Evaluation criteria simplified/streamlined.

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Updated on 08/31/2024
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