Date Updated04/21/2022
CategoryExtemporaneous Speech
Contestant Name(s)Isaac Homar
Nature of Concern
  • Harsh criticism not framed with constructive reinforcement
  • Point deduction for the same issue under different criteria, WITHOUT connecting that issue to each criterion
Describe concern

In Topic the judge stated a great intro, but cited practice to “allow thoughts to flow” versus assessing how the question was addressed.
In Style the judge addressed run on sentences, and recommended to pause and breathe, which is good judging, but the judge took off two points for one issue, it seems a bit much in terms of the “needs polish” versus “needs coaching”
In Voice – the deduction seems extreme for the critique given regarding experimenting with volume, while stating the voicing is good.
In Physical- the speaker’s movement is praised, but seems to be marked down for using a note card- which is allowed in extemp and I know FEW extempers who do not use a note card.

What adjudicator specifically wrote or did

Score: 4
How does the speaker directly answer the question chosen? Is the response well-defined?
Great intro to set up your speech. Practice through it a few more times to make sure your thoughts flow smoothly.
Score: 3
How does the speaker utilize quality word choices? How are effective language skills utilized throughout the speech? How does the style of delivery help the
speech flow?
Your word choices are appropriate for your speech. Watch that your sentences aren’t becoming run-ons. Make sure to pause, breathe, and begin your
next thought.
Vocal Delivery
Score: 3
How does the speaker utilize effective vocal techniques? Are pitch, volume, and rate appropriate? Are articulation and pronunciation clear and correct?
Your voicing was really clear. Experiment with your volume to add some emotion to your speech. The more you practice with words you will use, the
better your voicing will flow, and the less detached some parts will sound.
Physical Delivery
Score: 4
How does the speaker utilize appropriate physical techniques? How do gestures and movement enhance the presentation? Does the speaker utilize appropriate
eye contact and facial expressions to engage the audience?
Your poise and presence were great. Good use of space by moving from one place to another. The more you practice, the more confidence you will
gain and the less you will have to rely on your notes.

Evaluation Sheet(s)3NIo2twjizaguwEL0Ih7a9U4yhfk6p.pdf

Committee Review


The referee committee read the comments from the adjudicator and agreed that the adjudicator wrote several comments to justify point deductions for the performance. The referee committee considers an adjudicator’s application of a rule or criterion and does not interpret adjudicator’s written comments or reconsider point deductions. The comment about using notes was written in the appropriate place under physical delivery. Notes are allowed but use is always open to critique under physical delivery.

Result Number0
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