
The “resolution” column will show the outcome of the committee’s deliberations, once added by the chair/Speech Advisor.

Number of records to review: 13

Date Updated05/05/2023
CategoryMoments in History
Contestant Name(s)Callie Sawall
Nature of Concern
  • Harsh criticism not framed with constructive reinforcement
Describe concern

The judge deducted a point from physical delivery because the student used a visual aid?

What adjudicator specifically wrote or did

“visual aids felt unneeded” -1 point

Evaluation Sheet(s)Evaluation Sheet(s)
Round/Time9:30 AM

Committee Review

Initial Advisor Comments

The adjudicator did specifically address the criteria that states “if used, how did visual(s) aid in understanding the speech, or were they unnecessary for that purpose, or distracting?” The adjudicator felt that the visual aid was not necessary and therefore deducted one point.


This was addressed at the festival; following post-festival additional reflection, the adjudicator is within their right to critique usage of visual supporting materials as being relevant to the speech. The challenge to the student is actively use visual aids to illustrate and explain.

Result Number0